We want to help every one of our Paloozies manage their practices so more kids receive the services they urgently need.
We’ve found that our fast-paced, one-hour practice management webinars are a great way to help OT/PT/ST private practice owners succeed! These webinars are strictly for pediatric private practice owners like yourself and are tailored to address the issues owners encounter in managing their practices.
Whether you’re a new owner or have a long-standing booming practice, our webinars can help you manage your practice more effectively and efficiently.
get connected with our Webinars
Know more, guess less! We offer information you can take back to the practice and implement immediately. Our webinars are a great place to get started on a whole new low-stress, high return-on-investment world of practicing.
To find out what topics our webinars cover, visit our Calendar of Events page. Register there for the webinars that interest you most.
What Our Webinar Attendees Are Saying
We’d love for you to have wins like these Paloozies did: